Mid-Atlantic Health Law TOPICS

Did You Know? - Fall 1998
Health Planning Authority. Did you know that Maryland's highest court recently ruled that the most recent licensed operator of a facility retains the authority granted by a Certificate of Need? The facility's landlord had attempted to control a nursing facility's bed rights, but was rebuffed.
Assisted Suicide. Did you know that the federal Drug Enforcement Agency will not punish physicians who assist in a suicide in full compliance with Oregon's assisted-suicide law? Such protection is available only where state law authorizes assisted suicide, and only when such state law procedures are strictly followed.
Self-Referral Exemption. Did you know that Maryland's General Assembly amended the State's self-referral law to allow health care practitioners, effective October 1, 1998, to refer patients diagnosed with end stage renal disease to outpatient dialysis facilities, notwithstanding the referrer's ownership or financial relationship with such facilities?
HHA Surety Bonds. Did you know that the Health Care Financing Administration has agreed to suspend the effective date of a surety bond requirement for home health agencies? The rule, to have been effective in July of 1998, would have required bonds in the amount of $50,000 or 15% of the agency's annual Medicare/Medicaid business, whichever is greater.
Fraud Bounty. Did you know that the federal government is offering awards of up to $1,000 to Medicare beneficiaries who alert authorities to fraud and abuse? In fact, many providers are "turned in" by patients who have questions regarding the explanations of benefits forms they receive from their insurers.
Hospital Investigation. Did you know that the Office of the Inspector General is investigating physician practice acquisitions by a large hospital chain? Tenet Healthcare Corp. has received subpoenas directed at whether fair market value was paid for the practices.