Mid-Atlantic Health Law TOPICS

Did You Know? - Spring 2015
Peer Review: Did you know that a federal court in Oregon ordered a hospital to disclose ten years of peer review records in a lawsuit brought by a disgruntled physician? The physician alleged that the hospital discriminated against him in peer review in part on the basis of the physician's race. The physician sought the records to establish a baseline. In ruling for the physician, the court noted that the federal courts - including the federal appeals court with jurisdiction over Maryland - do not recognize a generally applicable peer review privilege protecting records relevant to alleged violations of federal anti-discrimination or antitrust laws.
No Recredentialing Required: Did you know that under Maryland insurance law, an insurance carrier cannot require the recredentialing of a practitioner already on its provider panel (or "in-network") simply because the practitioner is moving to a new practice, so long as (1) the new practice is already on the carrier's panel, and (2) the practitioner gives the carrier at least 45 days' notice of the move?
Alcohol and Drug License Renewals: Did you know that the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene liberalized the periodic license renewal process for alcohol and drug abuse programs? Specifically, the Department removed the requirement that Maryland conduct a site visit prior to each renewal; continuing (private) accreditation of the program will now suffice.