Mid-Atlantic Health Law TOPICS

Did You Know? - Summer 2015
Office of Health Care Quality Surveys: Did you know that, beginning October 1, 2015, the Office of Health Care Quality (OHCQ) will conduct surveys or external reviews on a new schedule? Twenty-five percent of ambulatory care facilities will be surveyed each year. Home health agencies will be surveyed every three years. Nursing homes will be surveyed at least annually. HMOs will be exempt from external review when accredited by an approved organization. This new schedule has been authorized for the next five years.
Ambulatory Surgical Facilities: Did you know that a new Maryland law clarifies that ambulatory surgical facilities operate exclusively-not primarily-for the purpose of providing surgical services, and specifies that the expected duration of services not exceed 24 hours? (The previous definition called for services not to require overnight hospitalization.) The new definitions, effective October 1, 2015, conform to federal regulations and Maryland surveyor practice.
Federal 340B Drug Pricing Program: Did you know that hospitals that are eligible to participate in the Federal 340B Drug Pricing Program (currently 18 hospitals in Maryland are able to buy drugs at reduced prices through the Program) will be allowed to extend participation to a satellite site at another affiliated hospital, starting October 1, 2015?