Land Use Areas and Critical Areas in Maryland

Monday, January 12, 2009
Sheraton Baltimore City Center Hotel in Baltimore, MD

Land Use and Critical Areas in Maryland
Navigating evolving regulatory processes Featuring Secretary Richard E. Hall of the Maryland Department of Planning

Michael C. Powell, Esq., Moderator, Program-Co-Chair
Margaret Witherup Tindall, Esq.
Todd R. Chason, Esq.

Land use governance in Maryland, and the resulting interplay between Maryland's state and local governments, continues to be a significant source for debate and litigation. This conference broadly explores recent developments in land use statewide, and then employs, as a case study, the recently amended Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Act and the interchange between Critical Area Commission and local governments. There is perhaps no other area of regulation in Maryland that more sharply focuses the tensions between state and local government and creates greater regulatory challenges for practitioners, than the Critical Area Act.

To explore significant and evolving legal and policy issues and initiatives related to land use in Maryland, we have assembled key governmental officials and leading legal and business professionals who will not only explain recent developments but also share their insights on what the future holds in this hotly contested area.





January 11, 2009

