Mid-Atlantic Health Law TOPICS

Maryland Regulatory News
1. Legislation passed during the 2018 Maryland General Assembly Session requires all new and renewal applicants for a Maryland Controlled Dangerous Substance Registration issued by the Office of Controlled Substances Administration to attest to completing two hours of continuing education related to the prescribing or dispensing of controlled dangerous substances. The requirement is a one-time requirement that went into effect October 1, 2018. The law does not specify a time period during which the course must be completed; therefore, any previous continuing medical education earned related to the prescribing or dispensing of controlled dangerous substances might satisfy the requirement.
2. Emergency regulations regarding the evaluation criteria for medical cannabis licensing applications are in effect until April 24, 2019. The emergency regulations implement a diversity plan to address the needs of minority and women applicants. The Medical Cannabis Commission ranks applicants based on weighted criteria. Effective November 13, 2018, certain diversity factors will be afforded 15% weight, such as whether the applicant’s owners are members of the most disadvantaged groups in the medical cannabis industry, as identified by the Commission. If no other action is taken by the Maryland General Assembly, the emergency regulations will expire April 24, 2019, and the diversity related factors will disappear.
Barry Rosen
(410) 576-4224 • brosen@gfrlaw.com