Mid-Atlantic Health Law TOPICS

Maryland Regulatory News
1. On July 1, 2019, Maryland became one of 29 states to participate in the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact (IMLC). Maryland licensed physicians are now able to apply for expedited licensure in IMLC member states. The IMLC verifies the information a physician submitted to the Maryland Board of Physicians as part of the physician’s licensure process and conducts a fresh background check. When the IMLC determines that the physician is qualified, the physician can select the IMLC member states where he or she would like to practice and, after submitting the required fees, will receive licenses from those states.
2. In June, the Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) approved new hospital rates for the fiscal year beginning July 2019. Maryland hospitals’ revenues will be permitted to rise 3.59% (inclusive of an uncompensated care increase and deficit assessment reduction), resulting in a 3.28% per capita revenue increase for hospitals under global budget revenues. For nonglobal budget hospitals, such as psychiatric hospitals and Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital, the HSCRC approved an update of 2.46%.
3. Effective June 17, 2019, registered nurses and licensed practical nurses have the option of completing 30 continuing education units (CEUs) to satisfy the requirements for license renewal. The two previous ways to satisfy license renewal remain in effect: 1,000 hours of active nursing practice within the previous five years or a nursing education program approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing within the previous five years.
Barry Rosen
410-576-4224 • brosen@gfrlaw.com