Mid-Atlantic Health Law TOPICS

Maryland Regulatory News - Fall 2009
1. In March, the Health Services Cost Review Commission (HSCRC) approved the Maryland Hospital Acquired Conditions (MHAC) initiative to enhance the quality of hospital services. In June, HSCRC staff revised the original MHAC proposal, and, instead, recommended a broad, rate-based approach with varied payments based on a hospital's performance relative to the state-wide average for 52 potentially preventable conditions (PPCs). Staff is refining the clinical validity of the PPCs, and working on the detailed methodology for implementation. The measurement year starts with July 1, 2009, and payment adjustments will be effective July 1, 2010.
2. In May, the HSCRC approved a 1.77% overall update to hospital rates, effective July 1, 2009.
3. The Governor has appointed Steven B. Larsen to the HSCRC. Mr. Larsen is the Senior Vice President for State Government Relations at AMERIGROUP Corporation, and is the former Chairman of the Public Service Commission and the former Commissioner of the Maryland Insurance Administration. Mr. Larsen replaces Commissioner Raymond Brusca.
4. In July, the Maryland Health Care Commission (HCC) released its Update on Licensed Acute Care Hospital Beds for Maryland. The HCC calculates the average daily census of each hospital for a 12 month reporting period, and establishes the licensed bed capacity for the fiscal year at 140% of the hospital's daily census. For FY2010 there are 10,880 licensed acute care hospital beds in the State, an increase of 53 beds from the previous year. Montgomery County and Central Maryland added beds, while hospitals in Western Maryland, Southern Maryland and the Eastern Shore reduced their bed complement.