Mid-Atlantic Health Law TOPICS

Maryland Regulatory News - Fall 2013
1. Governor Martin O'Malley recently appointed three new members of the Maryland Health Care Commission: Michael Barr, M.D., Ligia Peralta, M.D., and Francis Phillips, RN.
2. In July, Maryland's Health Services Cost Review Commission raised the rates specialty hospitals (such as psychiatric hospitals) may charge by 1.8% over last year's rates.
3. Also in July, the Board of Physicians, implementing a mandate from the Maryland General Assembly, adopted a set of licensure regulations for a new health profession: athletic trainers. Athletic trainers prevent, evaluate, assess, treat, and rehabilitate athletic injuries. The regulations mandate that athletic trainers work only under the supervision of a physician, and only in approved settings (such as health clubs). Athletic trainers must have at least a bachelor's degree from an accredited athletic training educational program (unless grandfathered). Athletic trainers must apply and pay a fee for licensure.
4. In August, Maryland's Board of Acupuncture finalized regulations increasing the licensing fees and decreasing the continuing education requirements imposed on acupuncturists.