Mid-Atlantic Health Law TOPICS

Maryland Regulatory News - Winter 2016
1. The Maryland Health Care Commission voted to approve the Certificate of Need application of Dimensions Health to relocate and replace the Prince George’s Hospital Center and its Mount Washington Pediatric Hospital unit. The new medical center will be called the Prince George’s Regional Medical Center (PGRMC) and will be located in Largo, MD. PGRMC will be owned and operated by the University of Maryland Medical System and will have 205 acute-inpatient beds.
2. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene published the second-quarter 2016 data report of fatal overdoses. There were 920 overdose deaths in Maryland from January to June of this year, compared with 601 unintentional intoxication deaths during the same time period last year. Fentanyl-related overdose deaths increased from 121 in January through June of last year to 446 in January through June of this year, making fentanyl-related overdoses the biggest contributor to the overall increase.