Relating to Real Estate

Relating to Real Estate Special Edition: 2018 Maryland Real Property Legislation
Edward J. Levin, Chair (410) 576-1900
Christopher T. Magette (410) 576-4191
Searle E. Mitnick (410) 576-4107
Peter B. Rosenwald, II (410) 576-4193
Danielle S. Zoller (410) 576-4036
If you are interested in legislation affecting financial service providers, please see 2018 Maryland Laws Update published by Gordon Feinblatt’s Financial Services Group.
1. Chapter 329 (HB 1593)
Real Property – Mobile Home Parks – Notices to Residents
Real Property Article repealing and reenacting, with amendments Section 8A–202.
This act requires that the owner of a mobile home park, within five days after entering into a contract of sale, do the following: (a) provide notice of the sale to each resident in the mobile home park (by hand delivery or certified mail, return receipt requested) and to the Department of Housing and Community Development and (b) post notice of the sale in a public area of the mobile home park. The act also requires an owner of a mobile home park to provide notice of any proposed rent increase to a tenant under a rental agreement that has a term of at least one year that is offered for renewal for a term of at least one year, no later than 60 days before the expiration of the existing lease agreement. The act applies only to leases signed after the effective date.
Effective July 1, 2018.
Real Property - Homeowners Associations - Number of Declarant Votes
Real Property Article adding Section 11B–111.7.
This act provides that notwithstanding any other law or the provisions of a homeowners association’s governing documents, the person who subjects property to a declaration (the declarant) has the number of votes equal to the number of lots that have been subdivided and recorded but not yet sold when voting homeowners association matters, until the time all lots in a homeowners association have been subdivided and recorded.
Condominiums - Suspension of Use of Common Elements
Real Property Articleadding Section 11–103(d) and repealing and reenacting, with amendments, Section 11–103(c)(1).
Effective October 1, 2018.
Condominiums – Claims Against Developers and Vendors – Unenforceability of Certain Provisions
Real Property Articleadding Section 11–134.1.
This act specifies that any provision of a condominium document, such as a declaration or bylaw, or a contract for the initial sale of a residential condominium unit, created by a developer or vendor in accordance with the Maryland Condominium Act, is unenforceable if it contains certain limitations on pursuing the developer for building defects and other claims.
This act applies only from and after its effective date and is not to be interpreted to have any effect on any provision of a declaration or bylaws of a condominium recorded in the land records before the effective date or any other instrument executed before the effective date.
Effective October 1, 2018.
5. Chapters 348 and 349 (SB 222 – HB 78)
Foreclosed Property Registry - Updated Information - Notice to Local Governments
Real Property Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Section 14–126.1.
Under Real Property Article §14-126.1 the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation (DLLR) has established the Foreclosed Property Registry (FPR), and foreclosure property purchasers are required to submit information to the FPR within 30 days after a foreclosure sale of residential property. This act specified changes to the initial registration filing that must be made within 21 business days after the purchaser becomes aware of an applicable change. The purchaser’s additional reporting obligation under this act is only triggered by changes to any of the following: the name and address of a person authorized to accept service for the purchaser, whether the property is vacant, and whether the purchaser has possession of the property.
Effective January 1, 2019.
Secretary of State – Address Confidentiality Programs – Shielding of Real Property Records
Family Law Articleadding Section 4–530; repealing and reenacting, with amendments Sections 4–520, 4–525, 4–526, 4–529, and 4–530.
With respect to title examination, on receiving a request containing certain information, the Secretary of State may authorize the disclosure of shielded real property records for the purpose of performing a bona fide title examination.
All state and local agencies and clerks in conjunction with the Administrative Office of the Courts are required to establish uniform procedures in connection with maintaining records and for recording deeds and other instruments to comply with this act.
The Secretary of State is to adopt regulations to implement this act.
Effective January 1, 2019.
Burial Sites – Access, Required Consultation, and Tax Credit
Real Property Article adding Section 14–121.1; repealing and reenacting, with amendments Section 14–121;
These acts also provide that an owner of a burial site or the land encompassing a burial site that has been in existence for more than 50 years and in which the majority of persons interred in the burial site have been interred for more than 50 years must consult with the Maryland Historical Trust about the proper treatment of markers, human remains, and the environment surrounding the burial site.
In addition, these acts authorize the granting of a local property tax credit for improvement to real property that substantiates, demarcates, commemorates, or celebrates a burial ground.
Effective June 1, 2018. The tax credit provisions are applicable to all taxable years beginning after June 30, 2018.
8. Chapter 514 (SB 468) (HB 1073 was cross-filed with SB 468 but was vetoed as duplicative)
Landlord and Tenant - Residential Leases - Water and Sewer Bills
Real Property Articleadding to Section 8–205.1.
This act requires a landlord of a building that contains one or two residential dwelling units, who requires a tenant to make payments for water or sewer utility services directly to the landlord as opposed to the utility service provider, to (a) use a written lease that provides notice that the tenant is responsible for making payments for water or sewer utility services to the landlord, and (b) provide a copy of the water or sewer bill to the tenant. However, this act does not apply if a tenant is required under the lease to pay water or sewer bills directly to the utility service provider.
Effective October 1, 2018.
Maryland Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act
Real Property Articleadding Sections 3–701 through 3–707 to be under the new subtitle “Subtitle 7. Maryland Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act.”
Although authorized in 2007, the first land records e-recording pilot program in Maryland (which was in Baltimore County) was not officially established until October 2014. And it was not until the beginning of 2016 that the Court of Appeals of Maryland authorized Land Record E-Recording Programs to expand to every circuit court in the State of Maryland. At the beginning of 2018, 13 counties were participating in e-recording, with the remaining counties and Baltimore City expected to join by the end of this year.
Effective October 1, 2018.
10. Chapter 550 (SB 226)
Real Property - Wrongful Detainer and Distress Actions - Trial by Jury
Real Property Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Sections 8–302, 8–601, and 14–132.
An action of distress for rent is a District Court (small claims) suit to collect unpaid rent. A wrongful detainer action, which also must be filed in the District Court, is a suit against a party holding possession of real property without the right to do so. This act clarifies that any party to a wrongful detainer suit or distress for rent action is authorized to demand a jury trial, provided that the amount in controversy exceeds $15,000.00 and other relevant requirements are met.
Effective October 1, 2018
11. Chapter 636 (SB 621)
Real Property – Deletion of Ownership Restrictions Based on Race, Religious Belief, or National Origin
Real Property Articleadding Section 3–112; repealing and reenacting, with amendments Sections 3–102(a)(2), 3–104(g)(1), 3–601(a), and
Courts and Judicial Proceedings Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments, Section 13–604(c).
This act adds a new §3-112 to the Real Property Article (“RP”), which provides that a person who owns property subject to an unlawfully restrictive covenant, or a non-profit that is required to enforce neighborhood covenants, if the covenants include an unlawfully restrictive covenant, may record a “restrictive covenant modification.” A “restrictive covenant modification” is a complete copy of the document that contains unlawfully restrictive covenants with the language of the unlawfully restrictive covenant stricken. When presented for recording it must be accompanied by a signed land instrument intake sheet that refers to the original document. After the restrictive covenant modification and intake sheet are presented to the clerk of court, the clerk must submit them to the county attorney for review and approval. This act provides that once a restrictive covenant modification is recorded and indexed, the only restrictions that apply to the property based on the original document are those in the restrictive covenant modification and those recorded after the recording of the original instrument.
This act also amends RP §11B-113.3 to provide that by September 30, 2019, the governing body of a homeowners association shall delete any unlawfully restrictive covenant that is part of a uniform general scheme or plan of development from the common area deeds or other declarations of property in the development. This may be done without the otherwise requisite approval of lot owners by recording with the clerk of the court an amendment to the common area deeds or other declarations. The amendment must include the recorded covenant or restriction and must provide for the deletion of the offensive recorded covenant. Further, beginning on October 1, 2019, any lot owner may request the governing body of a homeowners association to delete an unlawfully restrictive covenant from common area deeds or other declarations affecting property in the development, and the governing body of a homeowners association shall, within 180 days, record an amendment in accordance with other provisions of this act.
A restrictive covenant modification may be recorded in the land records without charge by the clerk until September 30, 2019.
Effective October 1, 2018.
12. Chapters 645 and 646 (SB 1102 – HB 1329)
Landlord and Tenant - Action for Repossession of Nonresidential Property - Service of Process
Real Property Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Section 8–401(b)(5).
Currently, repossession of leased premises can be accomplished by posting the property, but a money judgment for unpaid rent requires personal service. These acts authorize the use of private process service, rather than only service by a sheriff, for repossession of the premises and recovery of unpaid rent in commercial lease cases. Needless to say, use of private process service can speed the process and increase the chances that both proceedings can be completed on a single court date. This makes statewide a procedure that is now applicable only in Wicomico County.
Effective October 1, 2018.
Real Property - New Home Sales - Information on Energy-Efficient Options
Real Property Articleadding Section 14–117(m);
These acts require that prior to executing a contract for an initial sale of a new home, home builders that construct 11 or more new homes in a development must provide written information to purchasers about energy-efficient options available for installation before construction is completed. The written information must also include a statement that tax credits may be available in connection with the energy-efficient options. These acts also require that applicable contracts contain an acknowledgment regarding delivery to the purchaser of the written information about energy-efficient options and tax credits.
Effective October 1, 2018.
Corporations - Transfer of Assets and Exchange of Shares of Stock
Corporations and Associations Article Repealing Section 3–109(f); repealing and reenacting, with amendments Sections 1–101(g), 1–203(b)(1), 1–301, 3–104, 3–107,
3–108, 3 109(b), 3–110, 3–111, 3–112(a) and (b), 3–113(a), 3–115, and 3–203(a); renumbering Section 3–109(g);
Tax – Property ArticleRepealing Section 12–101(d); repealing and reenacting, with amendments, Sections 12–101(f), 12–103(d), 12–109(b), 13–101, and 13–404(a), (b), and (e); renumbering Section 12–101(e), (e–1), (e–2), (e–3), (e–4), (e–5), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), and (l), respectively, to be Section 12–101(d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l), (m), (n), (o), and (p), respectively.
This act also limits Real Property Article §14-113 so that it only applies to deeds that are effective before October 1, 2018. That section provides that if a Maryland corporation includes a certification in a deed that states that the sale does not constitute a transfer of all or substantially all of the grantor’s assets, the deed is valid and effective, even if the provisions of the law regarding transfer of assets were not followed. Of course, with the enactment of this act, those provisions will not be applicable on or after October 1, 2018.
Effective October 1, 2018.
15. Chapter 778 (HB 239)
Prince George’s County - Sales of Residential Real Property - Community Amenities - Advertising PG 412-18
Real Property Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Section 10–710.
This act requires a home builder in Prince George’s County to make available to prospective purchasers a copy of any recreational facilities agreement (RFA) recorded with the Prince George’s County Planning Department. Prince George’s County home builders must display in the sales or management office of the community development (a) the amenities listed in any RFA, (b) a detailed site plan and the building permit number of each amenity listed in the RFA, and (c) the expected completion dates of each amenity as stated in the RFA.
This act applies only to amenities relating to RFAs that are recorded with the Prince George’s County Planning Department on or after the effective date.
Effective October 1, 2018.
16. Chapter 787 (HB 1257)
Residential Leases - Lease Option Agreements - Required Statements
Real Property Article repealing and reenacting, with amendments Section 8–202.
Current law requires that in a “lease option agreement,” which gives a tenant a right to purchase improved residential property, there must be a sentence that states in capital letters, “THIS IS NOT A CONTRACT TO BUY.” This act further requires that a lease option agreement signed after its effective date must include, in capital letters and near the tenant’s signature line, a specified statement that the landlord-tenant provisions of the Real Property Article are applicable to it.
Effective July 1, 2018.
Credit Regulation - Escrow Accounts - Water and Sewer Facilities Assessments
Commercial Law Article repealing and reenacting, with amendments Sections 12–109(a) and (c), 12–109.1(b), 12–1026(a), (b)(4), and (c)(1), and 13–316; adding Sections 12–109(e) and 12–1026(f).
Effective October 1, 2018.
18. Chapters 844 and 845 (SB 566 – HB 1511)
Credit Regulation - Mortgage Brokers – Finder’s Fee
Commercial Law Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Section 12–804.
Effective October 1, 2018.
Corporations and Associations - Resident Agent - Quantity and Resignation
Corporations and Associations Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Sections 2–108(a) and (d), 4A–210(d), 7–205(e), 9A–1005(a) and (d), 10–104(a) and (d), and 12–203(a) and (d).
Effective October 1, 2018.
Estates and Trusts – Transfer From Revocable Trust – Exemption From Taxes and Fees
Estates and Trusts Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Section 14.5–1001.
Effective July 1, 2018.
Income Tax – Subtraction – Perpetual Conservation Easements Modification
Effective July 1, 2018 for tax years beginning after December 31, 2017.
Tax Sales – Homeowner Protections
Tax - Property Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Sections 14–811, 14–812, and 14–817.1.
Effective October 1, 2018.
23. Chapter 297 (HB 305)
Homestead Property Tax Credit Program - Eligibility Awareness
Tax - Property Article repealing and reenacting, with amendments Section 9–105(f).
Effective October 1, 2018.
24. Chapters 313 and 314 (SB 925 - HB 1178)
Property Tax - Liability for Payment of Tax on Leased Property
Tax - Property Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Section 10–403.
Effective October 1, 2018.
Tax Sales - Vacant and Abandoned Property
Tax - Property Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Sections 14–806, 14–811, 14–817(c), 14–824, and 14–833(c)(2), (f), and (g).
Effective October 1, 2018.
26. Chapter 594 (SB 999)
Recordation Tax - Exemptions
Note that the Maryland statutory scheme includes corresponding exemptions from the transfer tax for these exemptions from the recordation tax.
Effective July 1, 2018.
Property Tax Assessments - Physical Inspection of Property
Tax - Property Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Sections 2–203(b) and 8 104(b)(1).
Effective June 1, 2018.
28. Chapter 714 (SB 1098)
Baltimore City - Tax Sales - Water Liens
Tax - Property Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Sections 14–808, 14–811, and 14–849.1.
Effective October 1, 2018 and terminates December 31, 2019.
29. Chapter 781 (HB 990)
Homestead Property Tax Credit - Notification on Acquisition of Property
Tax - Property Articlerepealing and reenacting, with amendments Section 9–105(f).
Effective July 1, 2018.
Howard County - Transfer Tax Exemption and Rate Reduction - Teachers Ho. Co. 13-18
Article 14 – Public Local Laws of Marylandrepealing and reenacting, with amendments The Public Local Laws of Howard County 13 Section 20.300.
Effective July 1, 2018.
Baltimore City - Landlord and Tenant - False Representations and Unlawful Evictions
Article 4 – Public Local Laws of Marylandrepealing and reenacting, with amendments The Public Local Laws of Baltimore City, Section 9–15.
Effective October 1, 2018.
August 01, 2018
Chriss, Timothy D. A.
Levin, Edward J.
Magette, Christopher T.
Mitnick, Searle E.
Rosenwald, II, Peter B.
Zoller, Danielle Stager
Financial Services
Real Estate
Trusts & Estates