Pro Bono

The firm is committed to providing quality legal representation to our community. We encourage our attorneys to participate in pro bono and other community service activities. We work closely with a number of organizations, including the Public Justice Center, Maryland Volunteer Lawyers Service, The Community Law Center, The Legal Aid Bureau, The Women’s Law Center, and Advocates for Children and Youth, to provide legal assistance to individuals and organizations of limited financial means.
Individual attorneys are regularly recognized for their commitment to pro bono work and civic engagement and several serve or have served on the boards of local legal non-profits and bar association committees.
The Firm also sponsors at least one pro bono clinic annually.
Our attorneys have handled a wide array of pro bono matters that include:
- Counseling nonprofits on a wide range of legal matters;
- Negotiating for the release of Afghani detainees held in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba;
- Representing the City of Baltimore in taking title to abandoned and vacant properties to restore them to productive use as part of “Project 5000”;
- Filing an amicus brief on behalf of numerous religious and faith-based organizations and leaders from diverse faiths in support of the right of same-sex couples in Maryland to enter civil marriages;
- Assisting low-income taxpayers to prepare tax returns and resolve disputes with the Internal Revenue Service;
- Working with the American Civil Liberties Union to assist crabbers who were Saturday Sabbath observers in challenging the constitutionality of an ordinance prohibiting crabbing on Sundays, which had the effect of limiting their work to five days a week, while other crabbers could work six days a week; and
- Enabling an elderly widow to keep her house and avoid bankruptcy after her identity was stolen and numerous credit cards fraudulently opened in her name.